Poste Italiane

Our history in Italy’s future

communication campaign

There isn’t even one Italian who hasn’t had to do with Poste Italiane at least once in their life.
Young and old, hipsters and metalheads, city dwellers or lumberjacks, vegans and carnivores: sooner or later, we all see each other at the Post Office.

We wanted to celebrate this closeness with a campaign halfway between a documentary and a commercial, because the future of Poste Italiane already has a great story and it’s worth telling.


It’s a very long video, it’s true, but it was also very loved (thanks to the 11 million people who watched it in its entirety on YouTube even though they could skip it! You are fantastic!).

A print, digital and OOH campaign was added to the video.

We did some super dominations around Italy and, just like post offices, we were practically everywhere.


Protect what you love with Poste Vivere Protetti