Agnosis Collection
social media
An unconventional and moving campaign to help raise awareness and funds for World Alzheimer’s Day.
How does it feel when objects no longer make sense? By creating a collection of three objects that are seemingly familiar but, in fact, are completely meaningless, we attempted to convey what agnosia is: a condition that causes the inability to recognize familiar objects.

The teaser campaign started a few days before the activation. We unveiled our mysterious objects, getting users very curious. What’s a gidello?

During the in-store activation gidello, luvetto and bralino appeared on the shelves of the Esselunga in Roma Prenestino and Milano Adriano, along with hard selling communication.

A whole social media plan and PR campaign were used to spread awareness and raise funds with Agnosis Collection.

We also had an influencer campaign endorsement, and they did one of the most mysterious and beneficial unboxings of their career.