To create a compelling narrative for Mercedes-Benz’s Van products, emphasizing their true character as essential vehicles in everyday life, we created the Artigenio project: a collaborative effort between the Italian artisans’ confederation Confartigianato and Mercedes-Benz.
From North to South. Five cities in different regions; five different businesses with unique characteristics that have managed to combine exceptional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology to achieve excellence in their respective fields.

In addition to a digital initiative with magazines and short video clips, the brand organised a tour around Italy to promote the very best of the country, supporting a training programme in Italy in partnership with Confartigianato, designed to boost the transformation process of small businesses into Industry 4.0 companies.

To raise awareness on products and identify target markets, we have bolstered social media and digital schemes with a system of on-site tactical events to strengthen relations with the Confartigianato network.

Everyone has found a place to tell their story and invite the viewer into a world of incalculable value, thanks to the help of two brilliant drivers and hosts, and a travel buddy who always rises to the occasion: the Mercedes-Benz Van.