LOL: Chi ride è fuori
communication campaign
For the launch of the second season of “LOL: chi ride è fuori,” we had only one goal: to bring laughter everywhere, even to the most unexpected places.
And if there’s one thing we’ve realized, it’s that bringing good humor during hard times is a superhuman feat.
Blue Monday was coming, we couldn’t leave people alone, weeping over themselves.
We announced the cast in full superhero mode, revealing their identities on Prime Video’s social media.
Our key art captured the cast as the most powerful group of laughter superheroes on the planet.
With tailor-made ads, we filled offices, public transport shelters, subway stops and train stations with a series of additional content to make boring daily waits a little more fun.
We also started the LOL challenge to try and make some of Italy’s most serious people laugh.
Between hilarious and cringe-worthy moments, there was only one certainty: in the end, we all laughed.